This course provides a basic overview of human trafficking. The course will attempt to provide Health Care Workers a glimpse of the lives of human trafficking victims, including physical, psychological, social, and sexual abuse that human trafficking victims experience and the types of control tactics perpetrators use. As of 2012, all 50 states have enacted …
Category: nurses
Recognizing Impairment in the Work Place – 2 CEUs
Substance abuse comes in many forms. It may involve street drugs, alcohol abuse or taking a prescription of a patient, family member or friend. This course looks at the policies and standards that are in place with American Medical Association and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The course covers signs and symptoms …
Substance Abuse and Drug Diversion – 3 CEUs
COURSE OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this course is to prepare nurses to help prevent prescription drug abuse and diversion through dissemination and implementation of evidence-based information about the current prescription drug abuse epidemic, challenges in managing chronic pain, and best practices for prescribing controlled substances. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: …
One Minute Manager – 4 CEUs
For more than twenty years, millions of managers in Fortune 500 companies and small businesses nationwide have followed The One Minute Manager’s techniques, thus increasing their productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity. These very real results were achieved through learning the management techniques that spell profitability for the organization and its employees. The One Minute …
Learning To Speak Alzheimer’s – 2 CEUs
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the great scourges of old age in the 21st Century. Devastating, irreversible and progressive, it robs millions of older Americans of their use of language, reasoning, memory, and judgment. Alzheimer’s destroys a lifetime of memories and whittles away at the core of a person’s identity. Learning To Speak Alzheimer’s will …
The 8th Habit – 4 CEUs
The 8th Habit is to “Find your voice” and “Inspire others to find theirs.” The 8th Habit represents the pathway to the enormously promising side of today’s reality. It stands in stark contrast to the pain and frustration that individuals sometimes go through to become fulfilled and highly effective. In fact it is a timeless …
Medical Care at End of Life – 4 CEUs
Product Description •The first pillar is that not all treatments that prolong biological life are beneficial to the patient; the ethical distinction between mandatory and optional treatment has been provided by the Catholic tradition in its centuries-old distinction. •The second pillar is the agreement that there is a difference between killing (active euthanasia) and allowing …
I Hate People – 5 CEUs
This course is designed to help you navigate the pitfalls in the workplace. You will learn how to identify the ten most troublesome types of people and strategies to neutralize them. Objectives •Define the concept of “I Hate People” •Identify, examine and create strategies to cope with our ten main adversaries in the office •Identify, …
Workplace Violence – 2 CEUs
This course will teach you that workplace violence is a complex and widespread issue that has received increased attention from the public, mental health experts, law enforcement, and healthcare professionals. Objectives: 1. Define workplace violence 2. Describe the consequences of workplace violence 3. Discuss some strategies to prevent and deal with workplace violence 4. …