Medication errors happen every day in our hospitals, doctor’s offices, pharmacies, and homes. One of the most common and potentially dangerous medications errors is the mix-up of two drugs that sound alike when spoken or look alike when written. One of the most common and most dangerous medications errors in the hospital is a patient …
Category: nurses
PTSD and Overcoming Trauma – 2 CEUs
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common reaction to experiencing something traumatic. To have a diagnosis of PTSD, a person needed to have been exposed to a traumatic event that involved death, threat of death, injury, or threat to physical safety of yourself or someone else. Many people who have experienced traumatic events feel anxious …
Prescription Drug Abuse – 2 CEUs
Grim headlines are familiar; celebrities such as Whitney Houston and Heath Ledger who have died from overdoses of legal drugs. At some point everyone needs pain medicine; from Tylenol to prescription strength opioids; and at some point everyone suffers from anxiety and needs prescription strength medicines. Unfortunately the people using the medicines, and sometimes the …
OSHA’s Standards for Bloodborne Pathogen’s – 2 CEUs
Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms are present in blood that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS. Workers exposed to blood borne pathogens are at risk for serious or life threatening …
Nursing Home Ethics – 3 CEUs
This course examines the experience of living with dementia through the retrospective account of family members; it is estimated that In the United States 10 percent of adults age 65 and older have a common form of dementia and nearly half of those over the age of 85 have Alzheimer’s. Although predictions about the number …
Medication Errors – 3 CEUs
Medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States. At a disturbing velocity and shock to all patient demographics, medication errors continue to occur. Typically during an admission to a nursing home or hospital is when the medication errors can occur. The errors occur due to a physician prescribing the wrong …
Living With Dementia – 3 CEUs
This course examines the experience of living with dementia through the retrospective accounts of family members. You will learn how to understand: • First, their memories of onset and warning signs preface a discussion of considerations in diagnosing this condition. • Second, a focus on interventions aimed at helping individuals compensate for some of the …
I’m Still Here – 4 CEUs
This course moves past the perception that people who receive an Alzheimer’s diagnosis are lost to themselves and to those who love them and focuses on how the caregiver can connect with the individual through their abilities that don’t diminish with time, such as understanding music, art, facial expressions, and touch. OBJECTIVES – Describe and …
HIV Symptom Management – 2 CEUs
Symptom Management of the HIV-infected Adolescent and Adult involves the etiology of the symptom. Nurse’s assessment of this symptom and their diagnosis is very important. Goals are established to relieve the symptom. Interventions and health teachings are implemented. Finally an evaluation will ascertain if the goals and interventions have been sufficient to relieve the symptoms. …
HIV Infection Medical Management – 2 CEUs
After taking this course you will understand that the natural history of HIV infection in an average patient without antiretroviral therapy from the time of HIV transmission to death is 10-11 years. Immediately after infection, the virus is harbored in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) the lymphatic tissue of the small bowel. The early phase …