Category: Florida

Medical Errors & How to Prevent Them – 2 CEUs

The death toll from healthcare screw ups add up to at least 500,000 Americans annually. That is the equivalent of more than 3 jumbo jets crashing every day of the year. Each year, 6.1 million Americans are harmed by diagnostic mistakes, drug disasters, and medical treatments. Because these individuals are dying at home, in hospitals, …

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Human Trafficking – 2 CEUs

This course provides a basic overview of human trafficking. The course will attempt to provide Health Care Workers a glimpse of the lives of human trafficking victims, including physical, psychological, social, and sexual abuse that human trafficking victims experience and the types of control tactics perpetrators use. As of 2012, all 50 states have enacted …

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Recognizing Impairment in the Work Place – 2 CEUs

Substance abuse comes in many forms. It may involve street drugs, alcohol abuse or taking a prescription of a patient, family member or friend. This course looks at the policies and standards that are in place with American Medical Association and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The course covers signs and symptoms …

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HIV Symptom Management – 2 CEUs

Symptom Management of the HIV-infected Adolescent and Adult involves the etiology of the symptom. Nurse’s assessment of this symptom and their diagnosis is very important. Goals are established to relieve the symptom. Interventions and health teachings are implemented. Finally an evaluation will ascertain if the goals and interventions have been sufficient to relieve the symptoms. …

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Florida Nursing Laws and Rules – 2 CEUs

OBJECTIVES: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to: Describe the legislative purpose for the Nurse Practice Act. Verbalize specific laws and rules related to the practice of nursing and nursing assisting. Define specific acts requiring substantial specialized knowledge that a professional nurse performs in the “Practice of Professional Nursing.” Identify the pertinent …

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Preceptors Refresher Course – 2 CEUs

Precepting is an organized, evidence-based, outcome-driven approach to assuring competent practice. Precepting is used for students who are rotating into clinical areas, for a new graduate administrator or nurse or when experienced staff members learn a new specialty or new skills, and when individuals move into new roles (i.e., educator, manager, or Preceptor). A Preceptor …

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